Welcome to Yogi Sticks!

Do you know your Gomukasana from your Adho Mukha Svanasana? Is your Vrksasana all it can be? And how do you feel about Supta Baddha Konasana? Do you know what I'm even talking about?

Sometimes the Sanskrit - however beautiful it sounds - is not very helpful. So, to encourage my students to expand their yoga practice into their home, I sketch the poses we practice during class on a chart and add the Sanskrit and common name. Hopefully, this is a useful tool to help them along in their yogic journey. I also troll the internet, books, and journals to find interesting articles about yoga and the yogic lifestyle.

Yoga in the Media

I uncovered a couple of yoga "finds" that you may enjoy. First, check out http://www.hulu.com/ and search movies for "yoga" and you'll come across an hour-long movie called "Yoga, Inc" - an exploration of yoga's development in the USA, and how the practice may be losing it's spirituality (and whether that's good/bad/or even yoga anymore). The movie also investigates the Bikram yoga franchise - again, is it still yoga if it is marketed and profited from? And can yoga be a competition? In the Olympics? Is it "yoga" when it is just the physical asana? Warning - about 26 minutes into the movie, the language gets fairly rated 'R'. Also on the Hulu website are several short videos of yoga practices - free to use!

Along the same lines, a new book has come out: "The Great Oom: The Improbable Birth of Yoga in America". I haven't yet read it, but it looks quite interesting.

And finally, while it isn't about yoga, I have found a wonderful podcast that explores some of the "big" questions in life. Radiolab (http://www.radiolab.org/ or on iTunes) tries to explain scientific and social phenomena in a narrative style. I particularly enjoyed : "Placebo Effect", "Animal Minds", and "Limits". Not all of the podcasts are family-friendly, so keep that in mind before playing it in the car with little ears listening.

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