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Do you know your Gomukasana from your Adho Mukha Svanasana? Is your Vrksasana all it can be? And how do you feel about Supta Baddha Konasana? Do you know what I'm even talking about?

Sometimes the Sanskrit - however beautiful it sounds - is not very helpful. So, to encourage my students to expand their yoga practice into their home, I sketch the poses we practice during class on a chart and add the Sanskrit and common name. Hopefully, this is a useful tool to help them along in their yogic journey. I also troll the internet, books, and journals to find interesting articles about yoga and the yogic lifestyle.

2-15-10 Building Stamina

Practice on Monday was designed to remind us that yoga is a balance between flexibility and strength. Tonight's class helped us build stamina and focus on our ujayi pranayam (victory breath) while in challenging poses. In the sketch above, when you see "3 arms" written, it means to hold the pose steady and use three different arm positions, staying in each for a couple breaths. The first arm position is with the arms extended along side the hips, kind of stuck to the sides of the body. The second position is more like wings, with arms at chest level and opening out with the backs of the hands reaching toward each other behind you. And finally, the third position is with your arms extended along your ears, reaching up (but don't hike up your shoulders!).

Quote for the class (and one of my favorites): "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Ralph Waldo Emmerson

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