Kirtan Kriya
4-21-10 Inner Legs
4-19-10 Triangle(s)
4-14-10 Side Body (yes, again)
And by the way, how comfy was our supported twist during pranayam? Not to mention the newfound popularity of Queen's pose for savasana? Mmmmmm...I'm purring just thinking about it.
This weekend (tomorrow the 17th, actually), Judy is doing a workshop on the 5 Tibetans - a unique yoga practice of only 5 postures designed to optimize the spinning of your chakras, thereby rejuvenating the body. It's designed to take just a few minutes each day - and it's fun!
Judy is very knowledgable in the tradition and is a great workshop leader. Check out for details, and the postings for 2/3/2010 and 2/17/2010 on my blog (Chakras).
"He who has no wish to be happier is the happiest of men." - William R. Algers
4-12-10 Neck and Upper Back
Exhale: "I know this is a wonderful moment."
4-7-10 Concentration and Balance
Last night we worked through several balance poses, aimed at developing our concentration and encouraging our sense of balance. In addition, I introduced a few simple acupressure exercises that are said to be beneficial to our memory and concentration. These are posted above (you should be able to click on a picture for a larger view), from the awesome book, Acupressure's Potent Points by Michael Reed Gach. The book is organized alphabetically by type of common ailment (from Acne to Toothaches and Wrist Pain). A great place to find books on the web is You simply type in the title and it searches all the major book outlets finding the prices with shipping and applicable coupons. I've added it to the links section on the right of the blog...
Mahatma Gandhi: "My message is my life."
Be well!
4-5-10 Twists
3-31-10 Forward Folds
3-29-10 Glutes
Remember, when using your glutes (especially in poses like locust, cobra, and bridge) focus on the lowest part of your buns, in the area they connect into the back of the thighs. Don't crunch your lower back!
Quote for the practice: "Although no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending."